Monday 29 April 2013

TSN’s hockey ‘Hangover’: In which Darren Dreger gets sand in his butt (Video)

TSN's panel of James Duthie, Darren Dreger, Aaron Ward and Bob McKenzie had a little fun recently with some help from a couple of Los Angeles Kings.

In their best version of "The Hangover", the panel proved they've got some decent acting chops:

A few thoughts:

• If Ed Helms ever needs a future body double, I think we've found one in Duthie.

• Darren Dreger is apparently not a robot and is hilarious.

• Darryl Sutter's part should have been replaced with Nick Kypreos, or at least a dude wearing a Kypreos jersey, for obvious reasons.

• Seriously, how amazing was Dreger?

• Bravo, Aaron Ward, for the Iginla to the Bruins line.

Follow Sean Leahy on Twitter at @Sean_Leahy

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