Tuesday, 30 April 2013

NHL begins its Stanley Cupcake assault on an unsuspecting public

If there’s anything business seminars and romantic relationships have taught us through the centuries, it’s that bribery with delectable pastries works. The National Hockey League, clearly heeding this mantra, has kicked off its 2013 postseason promotional push with cavity-tickling sweets, both handed to the public and sent to the media.

Behold the Stanley Cupcakes:

This was sent to Entertainment Weekly, as tweeted by staff writer Mandi Bierly, who reports that the delivery men wore white gloves like those who handle Hockey’s Holy Grail each season.

Good to see the Keepers of the Cupcakes continuing that tradition.

The cupcakes are a national effort:

This was tweeted by Intern Carlos of 93 X FM in Minneapolis, who confirms that this will “a delicious NHL playoffs.” And here we thought it was a commentary on the quality of the Chicago Blackhawks’ first-round opponents …

Somewhere, Marty Brodeur’s like “I WON THREE OF THESE AND *NOW* THEY GO WITH CUPCAKES nom nom nom” (#MartyIsSoFat #NotReally) ...

The Stanley Cupcake assault comes courtesy of a partnership between NBC Sports Group and Ryan Seacrest’s Civic Entertainment Group.

From NBC:

NBC Sports Group and Civic Entertainment Group’s first campaign will launch this week, with NBC Sports and the National Hockey League (NHL) joining forces with Crumbs Bake Shop (NASDAQ:CRMB) to celebrate the start of the 2013 Stanley Cup Playoffs. As part of the “Because It’s The Cup” marketing campaign, NBC and CEG have created a limited edition set of “Stanley Cup Cupcakes.” The campaign, which launches Tuesday, April 30 with a press conference in Madison Square Park, NYC, includes:

Crumbs Cupcakes featuring all sixteen (16) playoff clubs to be sold at 65+ Crumbs retail locations throughout the country. Select teams in select locations.

NBC/NHL/Crumbs co-branded mobile vehicle touring key playoff cities distributing the specially “iced” Cupcakes

Delivery of custom sets of Crumbs Cupcakes to local sports radio stations, affiliate and RSN television networks, media and key business partners

Reader Kyle Zupe spied this truck in New York City this morning:

We’ve seen NHL teams put out Stanley Cup ice sculptures and spray-paint logos on the street in previous seasons to generate buzz.

That’s nice and all. But it’s not pastry bribery.

If you see more Stanley Cupcakes, or any NHL viral marketing, hit us at puckdaddyblog@yahoo.com.

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