Thursday 7 March 2013

Ronny Keller paralyzed after hit into boards in Swiss playoff game (VIDEO)

It’s the nightmare for any hockey player, fan or league: That this inherently dangerous game will lead to a catastrophic injury through a vicious play.

It happened in a Nationalliga B playoff game this week. It happened to a player named Ronny Keller, a 33-year-old defenseman for Olten, who doctors confirmed is a paraplegic due to this hit from Langenthal player Stefan Schnyder:

According to Tages Anzeiger, Keller is in the ICU of the Swiss Paraplegic Centre in Nottwill. The chief physician from the hospital released a statement after evaluating Keller:

"Following the serious injury of the fourth thoracic vertebra, Ronny Keller will be a permanent paraplegic. There is neither head nor brain injuries. "

The injury occurred on a hit by Schnyder in overtime, in which he launched Keller into the boards on a check. Schnyder is being investigated by prosecutors for any criminal complaint that might be filed against him.

Keller’s status will be better known in two weeks, according to doctors.

s/t Robert Soderlind

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