Thursday 16 February 2012

Bryan Trottier has some Johnny Cash tunes he’d like to play for you (VIDEO)

On the Feb. 13 edition of "Marek vs. Wyshynski", musician/author/raconteur Dave Bidini mentioned that Hockey Hall of Famer Bryan Trottier took part in a rowdy night at a local watering hole during Hockey Day In Canada.

How rowdy? Johnny Cash rowdy. Here's the New York Islanders great rocking out on The Man in Black's "Good-Hearted Woman" at Baba's in Charlottetown:

Bryan Trottier Goes Country from Bob Babinski on Vimeo.

Not bad. A little Willie Nelson-ish, actually.

Trots doesn't just play the whiskey rooms, though. Here's Trottier at the Saskatoon Kinsman dinner earlier this year, performing "Folsom Prison Blues"

Suggested songs for future Bryan Trottier country gigs:

"I Walk the Red Line"
"Don't Take Your Gunnarsson to Town"
"Ring of Flyers"
"Gillies' Gonna Cut You Down"
"A Boy Named Suter"

Now, we sit back and wait for Mike Bossy's death metal set in Moose Jaw later this week …

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