Wednesday 15 August 2012

Woman testifies about Ducks GM Bob Murray’s alleged chair attack in Detroit press box

In May 2009, Anaheim Ducks GM Bob Murray was rather upset with the way Game 7 of the Western Conference semifinals had ended. Dan Cleary's game-winning goal may have been the result of Jonan Hiller's pad being shoved over the line. He was not a happy potato head.

Rachel Paris, working as a stage manager for a media company, claims that frustration led to Murray assaulting her with a chair — an assault her lawyer insists cost Paris her house, car and job. Which does sound like a great country music single, now that you mention it …

The incident was well-known three years ago, but after Murray acknowledged the "accident" and claimed it had been "cleared up" everything seemed kosher. But Paris filed suit in U.S. District Court in 2010 seeing $75,000, and on Tuesday testified that her injuries from the incident had devastated her life.

From the Detroit Free Press:

"He said, 'I'm so sorry. This was an accident,' " she testified.

"'You and I both know that this was no accident,' " Paris said she replied.

Paris said she suffered a debilitating shoulder injury, headaches, back problems, chipped teeth and other problems that cost her her stage manager job at sporting events. She said the job paid up to $550 per event. Her lawyer, Mayer Morganroth of Birmingham, said she lost her house, car and job because of the assault.

Murray's lawyer Steven Potter told jurors that Paris was exaggerating her injuries, as the defense has videos showing her carrying groceries for three miles and lifting a 2.5-gallon gas can with her "debilitated" left shoulder.

A couple of thoughts:

1. Not trying to play armchair surgeon here, but her injuries make it sound like Murray lifted up a 2-ton boulder and threw it at her face. Hulk Smash style.

2. I'm much more intrigued by another facet of this case, in which Paris alleges that "she was fired because her boss feared losing a broadcasting contract with the Red Wings if she pressed charges," according to the Detroit News. There's been no obvious reference as to which media company she worked for; wonder if that aspect of the case has been settled before the Murray suit went to court.

3. Are we ever going to get to the heart of this story, which is that Paris allegedly was cheering for the Red Wings in the press box when Murray decided to have his say with the legs of a nearby chair? Murray should counte-rsue based on that lack of press box decorum. Openly cheering members of the media? C'mon, what is this, the Olympics?

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