Monday 20 August 2012

Mike McBain, former NHLer, accused of impersonating teammate in molestation arrest involving stepdaughter

Last week, Michael McBain was arrested and charged with nine felony counts of sexual assault, allegedly abusing his now-16-year-old stepdaughter for four years beginning in 2008. This included what police allege was a "rape of the girl during a trip to Europe in 2010," according to the Las Vegas Journal Review.

McBain played for the Tampa Bay Lightning from 1997-99, and spent five years with the ECHL Las Vegas Wranglers before joining the team as an assistant coach in 2008-09.

The case itself is abhorrent enough without getting into the details, but good lord the details are downright horrific, tying in a sinister way with McBain's pro hockey career. From the Journal Review, here's how McBain preyed upon a teenage crush:

According to the report, as a coach, McBain noticed the victim had a crush on a Wranglers player, Jason Krischuk, who has played for the team off and on since 2006, including filling in for an injured player last season. Police believe McBain created a false email account and used it to contact the victim. He would also text her, send lewd photographs and ask about their sexual encounters under the guise of being Krischuk, the report shows.

Police said McBain also left money, as much as $400, for the victim for sending nude photos of herself to the email address he created under the other player's name. The victim eventually discovered the person emailing and texting her was not Krischuk.

According to the police report, Krischuk said "he believes his friend (McBain) may have pretended to be him to talk to a young girl" as "he had not and was never in conversation with the girl" until she contacted him recently.

McBain turned himself into police on July 5 "after recovering from a suicide attempt in Oregon." According to CBS 8, McBain is "facing two counts of lewdness with a child under age of 14, a count of sexual assault with a minor under 14 years of age, four counts of sexual assault with a minor under 16 years of age and two counts of open or gross lewdness."

Much more from the Journal Review here.

We'd offer you the same chlorine rinse and steel wool that we're currently using on our own eyes after reading this story, but alas we didn't bring enough to go around.

s/t reader Tessie L. for the tip.

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