Monday 24 June 2013

Watch a dad shriek with joy as Blackhawks win Stanley Cup (Video)

Considering how quickly Game 6 turned on its head, not to mention what the Boston Bruins did in Game 7 of Round 1, you can understand why no Blackhawks fan could even think of celebrating until those last 59 seconds ticked away.

But once they had, it was time to celebrate, and man alive, did this dad ever celebrate:

With range like that, this guy should be singing in a metal band.

This man is everyone in Chicago. Heck, he's all of us. If you've never knelt in front of the TV in the hopes that it somehow made time go faster, you're new to the sport.

And I've never had the pleasure of seeing my team win the Stanley Cup, but if I ever do, I can only imagine it will involve as much shrieking as this guy. Probably more, since I didn't get to do this four years ago either.

s/t to Reddit Hockey.

Follow Harrison Mooney on Twitter at @HarrisonMooney

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