Thursday 13 June 2013

This is how Columbus watched Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Final (Photo)

The U.S. Midwest has been hit with some severe weather lately, including around Chicago for Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Final – to the point where Commissioner Gary Bettman addressed contingency plans during his State of the NHL talk on Wednesday.

The thunderstorms didn’t affect Game 1, but they did affect the way Game 1 was covered in the Columbus Blue Jackets’ market. Check out how the local WCMH NBC 4 affiliate presented Game 1, and feel pity:

Yeah, uh, don’t they have banner crawls for this sort of thing?

From reader Mazin Habash:

You should be outraged with us in Columbus because we had to endure game 1 watching a small window of hockey with no audio for more than 1/2 of the game for radar weather coverage. The weatherman and radar dominated the screen and audio almost the entire game!

BTW, the result was wind, rain and hail and impacting a small area in the state. Nothing in our area!

This brings my questions. Would this happen to any other sporting event other than hockey? Should major sporting events be covered by local TV if this is standard to interrupt regularly scheduled live programming? It truly ruined the experience of the game and I would imagine if it happened to us it can happen to other markets.

Part of me believes that this wouldn’t happen to another sporting event, although the siren’s song of Weather Porn is hard to resist for local affiliates.

But yeah, hockey was boned here, especially in replacing the audio too. And when they threw back to the game … well, the disrespect continued:

Ouch. 'Twas not the Super Bowl, methinks.

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