Friday 28 June 2013

NHL Draft: Which chick flick do the 2013 top picks love the most? (Video)

Every year at the NHL Draft, we feel the need to break up the monotony of questions about rankings, team meetings and professional aspirations with some of our patented goofy nonsense. In 2009, it was favorite and least favorite jerseys. In 2010, it was dream cars. In 2012, we asked which animal they’d like to fight. (In which we discovered Nail Yakupov would fight a cat.)

This year, we decided to get a feel for the heart of these future millionaires. So we asked about one of the most heartfelt things in life: Chick flicks and romantic comedies, and which ones they prefer. Take a gander:

Thanks to Jonathan Drouin, Seth Jones, Nathan MacKinnon, Sean Monahan, Darnell Nurse and Hunter Shinkaruk for putting up with our whimsy.

Now, if you’ll excuse us, we have to get back to writing a thesis paper on the cultural impact of Channing Tatum chick flicks on impressionable youth … and also analyze Darnell Nurse’s theory that “Hitch” is in fact a chick flick.

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