Saturday 1 June 2013

Joey the Junior Blackhawks Reporter returns to talk playoff beards (Video)

It had been so long since we last heard from Joey the Junior Blackhawks Reporter, we figured he had gone off, gotten married and had little junior reporters of his own.

Apparently, that wasn't the case. Joey's still a junior reporter and was back on the Blackhawks' beat this week discussing the time honored hockey tradition of playoff beards:

In summary:

• Any friend of gingers is a friend of mine. That includes you, Joey.

• All women and babies around Duncan Keith love his beard. And how could they not?

• Jonathan Toews: still one of the worst playoff beards in hockey. And he better hope Coach Q doesn't hear his thoughts on mustaches.

We haven't see Joey since NHL All-Star Media Day in 2012. We imagine now that the Blackhawks are one step away from the Stanley Cup Final, he'll be right in the middle of each and every postgame scrum asking those hard hitting questions like, "Whose da biggest tuwh-key on da Kings?"

Follow Sean Leahy on Twitter at @Sean_Leahy

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