Tuesday 11 June 2013

Do men and women feel differently about hockey? Chicago morning show’s hacky investigation (Video)

Now that the Stanley Cup Final is here, that means a bunch of media that never touch hockey in Chicago and Boston will attempt to add puck to their coverage with the naïve befuddlement of a Neanderthal watching a satellite launch.

WCIU in Chicago has a morning show called “You & Me This Morning”, described as “real women, real Chicago, real fun.” Watch as they get real about hockey with some locals. Then wince. Then cry.

What we learned from this segment.

• The Redskins are, apparently, a hockey team. Oh, and all the critics of the NHL’s lack of crossover appeal and poor market penetration beyond the local team now have further video evidence.

• That said, Gary Busey knows a [expletive] ton about hockey.

• Women like the masculine battle of hockey, where the players try to get the puck and score the point.

• That said, women don’t like injuries, hence they don’t play hockey.

• The high for today in Chicago is 73 degrees, with showers expected.

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