Saturday 22 June 2013

Boston fan adds massive Bruins logo to front lawn for Stanley Cup Final (Photo)

Just under two weeks ago, we brought you the tale of a Chicago Blackhawks fan whose playoff lawn was eventually mowed by the city. Now, we bring you the lawn of a Boston Bruins fan:

This one the city might just have to confiscate.

On the one hand, this front lawn, by Redditor "AnnnnditsGone", is clearly well-maintained. Unlike Park Ridge's Frank Miller, who treated his grass like a playoff beard and let it become an unwieldy, unsightly, curb appeal-ruining municipal nightmare, this individual takes some pride in his grass.

But only some. I mean, he still did this to it. I hate to sound like Hank "Why would anyone do drugs when they could just mow a lawn" Hill, but this is some kind of travesty.

Granted, my beef isn't so much with the fact that this happened to a precious, precious lawn -- although that's a jaw-dropper -- but that this gentleman's "B" is sans serif.

Serifs, for the uninitiated, are the little flourishes on the edge of letters in some fonts. Boston moved from a sans serif font to a serifed "B' in 2007. See for yourself:

The Bruins' logo has gone through two major adjustments in the last 20 years. In 1995, the B and the spokes were given a black outline, and in 2007, the B was fancied up with some serifs (and an outline that placed it above the spokes).

The lawn above features stroked spokes but a sans serif B, placing it distinctly in the 1995-2007 era, an era during which the Bruins won zero Stanley Cups.

In other words: if you absolutely must destroy your lawn in the name of Boston Bruins fandom, get some serifs in there.

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