Friday 28 June 2013

Blackhawks ‘worked their nuts off’, says Corey Crawford in epic, profane victory speech (Video)

The Blackhawks held their Stanley Cup parade and subsequent rally Friday in the packed streets of Chicago, and what would one of these things be without a member of the winning club giving a drunken, profanity-laced victory speech?

Something else entirely, I think. Here's a gleeful and uncensored Corey Crawford celebrating the moment. NSFW for Strong Language, obviously:

The full text, for those who would rather read a censored text version of the speech: "F***** right, Chicago! Biggest bunch of beauties in the league, f***** worked their nuts off for this trophy! Wooo! No one will ever take this away from us! We're the champs!"

The speech was eerily reminiscent of Jonathan Quick's equally sweary turn on the microphone last year.

Goalies, man. Daniel Briere was right.

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