Wednesday 29 May 2013

Watch Niklas Hjalmarsson’s called off series-winner, which will live forever in infamy (Video)

With less than two minutes remaining in the third period between the Chicago Blackhawks and the Detroit Red Wings, Niklas Hjalmarsson streaked across the Detroit blue line, took a pass, and blasted a shot past Jimmy Howard to put the Chicago Blackhawks ahead.

He did all this, except for one small detail: he didn't. As the Chicago bench leapt to their feet and the Madhouse erupted, the Blackhawks having more than likely scored the series-winning goal, the officials waived it off so that Stephen Walkom could call coincidental minors for an altercation at the benches.

This probably goes without saying, but not everyone agreed with the call.

First of all, should it even have been coincidental minors? From the looks of it, Kyle Quincey was doing most of the dirty work. Brandon Saad just happened to be there.

Even worse, considering how far away from the play the altercation was, one wonders why Walkom couldn't wait until, say, after Niklas Hjalmarsson's shot to blow the play dead. Instead, the whistle appeared to blow about the same time Hjalmarsson was winding up, and even then, it's hard to tell, what with the sounds of the home crowd rising up out of their seats.

Either way, it's a difficult call to stomach. Unless you're a Red Wings fan. Then it's a bloody Christmas miracle.

Had the Red Wings scored the game-winner after this one was called off, well, this call would have lived forever in infamy. Lucky for Stephen Walkom, the Blackhawks managed to score the next one, otherwise he might never have been able to walk the streets of Illinois again.

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