Monday 13 May 2013

Watch insane youth hockey fight from Russia; flying players, cleared benches

This youth hockey (2002’s) fight from a tournament in Novokuznetsk, Russia, is remarkable for several reasons, none the least being that it’s set to some kind of Eastern European Everlast song. Watch the chaos:

Among the lowlights:

• Fifty seconds into this mess, a player from the blue team comes flying at a pile of players and does a full flip onto his head. Then, for his trouble, he gets pounded on by an opponent while he’s lifting himself off the ice.

• At the 1:08 mark, check the middle of the screen, as a white player goes all Ralphie on Scut Farkus, as he sits on his opponent and levels him with punches to the head.

• Twice in the video, a gang of white jersey players swarm a blue jersey player and beat the stuffing out of him like they’re in a prison yard. (OK, Gulag yard). The final time, in the clip’s final moments, is insane.

• Finally, after nearly two minutes of unencumbered chaos … hey, look, adults! Nice to see you. Finally.

Thus continues the storied tradition of Russian youth hockey fights, as seen here and here previously. Ah, kids today. Clearly they've been watching too much Vityaz Chekhov.

As usual, if you have any additional info on this fight, hit us at Or sit on us and hit us, Russian youth hockey style.

s/t Hockeyfightsru

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