Saturday 16 March 2013

The most epic floor hockey tournament teaser ever made (VIDEO)

I’m not sure what your childhood looked like, but mine included copious amounts of intramural floor hockey and running around with my friends filming goofy stuff.

So this floor hockey tournament video, put together at Charles City High School in Iowa, is a blissful nostalgia trip. It’s also the most over-the-top trailer for a scholastic hockey tournament we’ve ever seen, on ice or in the gym. Check out the Darth Maul-esque stick moves:

And really, what floor hockey tournament shouldn’t have a “Doom”-like first-person shooter scene in which defensemen are slaughtered in a high-school hallway.

Alas, the tagline for the video is “a forgotten gem about a tournament that didn't exist.” And so it should be. Something tells us the faculty would frown upon impromptu bo fights.

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