Monday 11 February 2013

One-sided bouts: Redden ragdolled by Nolan, Dorsett punches Burish a lot (FIGHT VIDEO)

Lots of hockey fights are basically draws, with both participants chucking wildly, occasionally landing a glancing blow or two, and eventually being separated by the linesman because they've run out of steam. But occasionally, one guy scores the decisive victory, either by landing one really good punch or several. Hockey had two such bouts on Monday night.

The first took place in St. Louis, where Jordan Nolan wiped out Blues' rookie Vladimir Tarasenko just in front of the benches. He was immediately challenged by Wade Redden, which turned out to be a noble but ill-conceived response from the 35-year-old:

Also noble but ill-conceived: Redden's decision to go right back at Nolan after he gets gets absolutely rag-dolled the first time. Fortunately for the Blues' veteran, the officials intervened. No good would have come from a return to the fray.

But Redden wasn't the only player to find himself overmatched.

In Columbus, Adam Burish found himself challenged by Derek Dorsett after putting a hit on Nikita Nikitin. That too was a mismatch. It didn't reach its conclusion quite as quickly as the Redden/Nolan tilt, but both Burish and Dorsett probably wishes it did, Burish because then he wouldn't have been punched so many times, and Dorsett because then he wouldn't have so many bruises on his hand:

I believe I'll award the victory to Dorsett, whose biggest issue during that fight was punching too vigorously. From Aaron Portzline:

Yes. Yes he did.

Follow Harrison Mooney on Twitter at @HarrisonMooney

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