Wednesday 5 December 2012

Mark Wahlberg wants to fight Tie Domi in a boxing match (VIDEO)

Tie Domi first met Mark Wahlberg when the Oscar-nominated actor was 18-year-old Marky Mark, having traveled to Toronto with his orchestral Funky Bunch to entertain the Canadian masses. Which means there's a good chance one or both of them were wearing acid-wash overalls at the time.

Now 41, Wahlberg had decided to take their friendship to the next level. The punches-to-the-face level. For charity, of course.

Wahlberg was in Toronto pimping a new movie called "Broken City" and appearing at CIBC Miracle Day. During an interview, Wahlberg received a phone call from Domi and said:

"Hey, Tie Domi, I'm officially challenging you [to a fight]. Because there's no hockey, I'm officially challenging you to a fight at the Air Canada Centre. Are you in or not? ... Don't duck me. … We're gonna have to open the double doors so your head can fit through."

Oh snap, that's how they do it in Boston, kiiiiiiiiid. Say hello to you muthah fuh me.

The two met again on Wednesday morning at a charity event, where Wahlberg again issued the challenge (at about the 3:30 mark):

"There's no hockey going on in Canada right now, which is horrible, right? There's nothing worse than no hockey in Canada," said Wahlberg.

(Ed. Note: Yes there is.)

"So I challenged Tie to fight me at the Air Canada Centre for charity. And all the proceeds, including when I knock his teeth out, we'll give them all to charity."

Alas, Domi ducked the fight, using Mark Wahlberg's "pretty face" as an excuse when we all know it's because Wahlberg has a psychotic teddy bear ready to make a run-in during the bout. And by that we mean Donny Wahlberg.

Domi said Wahlberg challenges everybody in Canada to fights. And yet not one taker to beat up a guy from Boston? Really?

Via the Canadian Press, Wahlberg on challenging Domi:

"I don't want to fight him on skates, I want to fight him in the ring. But I pose the challenge right now."

Wahlberg, whose mother is French Canadian and Irish, could skate if he had to, though.

"I hadn't skated for, like, 15 years and then I was doing 'Four Brothers' and I had to skate again, so I started skating all the time and then we shot it up here, which was fun, so we'd go to a lot of the rinks," he said.

It would have been an evenly matched bout. After all, Domi had 3,515 penalty minutes during his career as one of the NHL's greatest fighters, and Mark Wahlberg played a boxer in both "The Fighter" and the "Good Vibrations" video.

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