Tuesday 23 October 2012

Brett Hull’s Halloween pumpkin trolling of Buffalo Sabres fans is spook-tacular (PHOTO)

Every once in a while, Hockey Hall of Famer Brett Hull will decide it's time to torture Buffalo fans, as if being a Buffalo fan wasn't torturous enough.

In 2011, he switched his avatar to a photograph of him holding a replica Stanley Cup and wearing a "Brett Hull is a Cheater" shirt, in reference to the "in the crease" goal that won the Dallas Stars the 1999 Cup at the Buffalo Sabres. On Tuesday, Hull was at it again via Twitter — and getting into the Halloween spirit with the most frightening image for a Buffalo fan outside of a Scott Norwood kick...

That's the Golden Brett scoring against a sprawling Dominik Hasek, in pumpkin form.

You know ... this goal:

Hull's message with the image, a pumpkin carved by Dallas Stars fan Travis Currie:

"Happy halloween to all my friends in Buffalo!"

That, friends, is like getting a bag of pennies in your candy bag. Pennies with razor blades on them.

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