Friday 19 October 2012

As father fights terminal cancer, NHL fan slams lockout in jarring clip (VIDEO)

There are provocative videos about the NHL, made by angry fans with a message for both owners and players.

And then there's this video by 'eamu99' on YouTube: stunning, jarring minute-long clip in which a son laments the lockout at the bedside of his father, whom he says is fighting terminal cancer:

"I hope that the doctors and nurses that keep my dad alive get a raise. And that you get your asses back on the ice before it's too late." Man …

Here's a bit more from 'eamu99', who we've tried to contact (and we'll update when we hear back):

Just wanna catch a game with my dad. There is a deal for the players within the NHL. But there is a contract with the communities that these players come from as well. When you are mentally strong enough to become an elite athlete you are a special human being (in most cases anyways) . A human being that can lead and inspire the people around them and their communities. The NHL take these extraordinary people and display them so their effect is amplified. Because of this lockout we have displaced inspiration and it is sad. I am sure that whoever misses out on their little piece of inspiration wont be refunded. Seems there is no deal for the fans in the NHL.

The man behind the clip seems to have some commercial aspirations. If nothing else, this is a hell of an audition. (To that end: Please, dear hockey gods, let this clip be on the up and up as far as integrity.)

No doubt this isn't the only son or daughter out there missing the tradition of the game shared with their parents.

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