Not long after the lockout began, Pavel Datsyuk joined Alex Radulov on CSKA Moscow. It was a shame to see him head home, especially when Red Wings' training camp was supposed to be getting underway, but frankly, the best thing Datsyuk can do for CBA negotiations is continually remind everyone the lockout robs from us: his wizardry.
On Monday, in a game versus Avangard Omsk, Datsyuk put some of that wizardry on display, scoring a goal by heading the puck into the net, soccer-style.
After his shot from the slot is stopped, the puck jumps into the air. Datsyuk tracks the puck into the crease, waits for it to fall, then throws his helmet into it. The fact that he has the presence of mind to track his rebound through the air and throw a helmet into it, rather than waving at the puck with his stick and having the goal waived off for high-sticking is remarkable.
Sadly, the goal was waived off anyway, perhaps because they hate awesomeness in Russia.
The NHL may be locked out, but if there's one thing you can't lock out, it's Datsyukian magic. It just oozes out of him, like Play-Doh from the Fuzzy Pumper Barber and Beauty Shop playset. (Yes, that thing was called the "Fuzzy Pumper". It was a simpler time back then.)
s/t to Dmitry Chesnokov.
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