Monday 10 September 2012

Marek Vs. Wyshynski: CBA battle lines, puck geekdom and hockey in Roman Coliseum

It's a Monday edition of Marek vs. Wyshynski beginning at 2 p.m. ET/11 a.m. PT, and we're talking about the following and more:

Special Guest Star: Goalie Michael Ouzas of Zagreb Medvescak  joins us to talk about playing hockey in a Roman Coliseum

• In which Marek and Wysh discuss the real battle lines of the NHL's CBA talks.

• How hockey geekdom mirrors that of comic-book geekdom (yes, Wysh went to Comic-Con).

• NHL news and views.

Question of the Day: - "Who's your favorite fat hockey player?"

Email your answers to or tweet them with the hashtag #MvsW to either @jeffmarek or @wyshynski.

Click here for the Sportsnet live stream or click the play button above! Click here to download podcasts from the show each day Subscribe to the podcast via iTunes or Feedburner.

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