Monday 11 June 2012

Kings’ plan for sweet, sweet office revenge on Devils accidentally e-mailed to media

There hasn't been a whole lot of bad blood between the New Jersey Devils and the Los Angeles Kings in this year's Stanley Cup Final, but as the Devils claw their way back into the series, giving the Kings the first taste of adversity they've had all playoffs, tempers are beginning to flare.

The increased contentiousness has even extended to the off-ice (or office) communication between the two teams. We learned Monday that the Kings were upset with New Jersey's P.R. department for taking their sweet time getting intermission stats to the Kings locker room in Game 5, and would be seeking revenge by pulling the same stunt in Game 6.

How did we learn this? Because the staff e-mail outlining this act of office espionage was accidentally sent to the media.

From the LA Times:

The Kings inadvertently sent out an email to the media that said they intended to delay getting stats to the New Jersey locker room between periods of Monday's game.

"Jersey PR (whether it was their fault or not) didn't get stats to our locker room until about two minutes left in the intermission. Our coaches were not happy about this. So we are going to do the same to them tomorrow.

"So unless you hear otherwise from me make sure their locker room does NOT get stats UNTIL about two minutes left to go in the intermission. Even if you literally have to eye the clock and wait. If they ask what's taking so long just tell them our copy machines are down."

As you can see, the media reported it. Way to ruin it, you ruiners.

And seriously, Kings, the copy machines are down? A creative P.R. team like yours couldn't come up with something better than that? Might I suggest: Bailey ate the stats. He's a lion, after all. He can't ever be truly tamed.

I do believe this is the first staff screw-up the LA Kings have made all playoffs, and it's not a good omen that the Kings' P.R. department is messing up, just one win away from the Cup. Added to Jonathan Quick's gaffe in Game 5 and Dustin Brown's 9-game goalless streak, the Kings' leading MVP candidates are showing signs of slowing down at the wrong time.

Anyway. Here's hoping nobody gets wind of the Kings' other plan to hide Lou Lamoriello's cell phone in the ceiling.

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