Friday 30 March 2012

Kari Lehtonen accidentally hits Stars fan in face with puck during warmups, hilarity ensues (VIDEO)

Most fans who huddle along the glass during warmups are hoping to achieve some sort of connection with their favorite team's players on the ice, whether it be acknowledgement of their existence or just being able to get a puck or maybe a broken stick.

On Friday night in Vancouver, a male and female Stars fan were down low watching the team during warmups with woman holding a "Kari 4 Vezina" sign. Lehtonen was shooting pucks along the glass and that male fan (wearing a Steve Ott jersey) managed to get a souvenir from the Stars netminder in a very unique way:

You have to love the dedication of the female fan ignoring the fact that the guy right next to her took a puck to nose and is bleeding. First, she believes Lehtonen is waving to her and not telling the poor dude he's sorry and then swipes the bloody towel from him.

But what a good haul for fan: a puck, a Lehtonen stick, some stitches, and a really great story to tell.

Had he not been a Stars fan and was heckling Lehtonen, this would have been a great sequel to the infamous Steve Sullivan fan karma incident.

Stick-tap to @radiocodex for the video

Follow Sean Leahy on Twitter at @Sean_Leahy

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