Tuesday 21 February 2012

What do you get when you lose 48-0 in Finland? Free sausages

Please recall in Sept. 2008 when the Bulgarian women's ice hockey team lost 82-0 in their 2010 Olympic qualifier.

A rout half as bad as the one suffered by the Bulgarian ladies happened on Monday in Finland's amateur fifth division between Lieksa Hurtat and Kontiolahti Kajastus. Playing with just seven skaters and their calls for the game to be rescheduled denied, Kajastus lost 48-0 to a Hurtat side that featured 16 skaters and two goalies. Those two goalies were two more than Kajastus had as they were forced to put a defenseman in net who then would face 120 shots during the game.

At one point during the game, Kajastus players wanted to forfeit, realizing that falling behind 15-0 after the first period and 28-0 after two really put a dent in their comeback hopes, but the threat of a fine ended dreams of packing up for home early.

Your player of the game? That would be one Janne Reittu, who posted an 8-goal, 18-point night, according to the ridiculously long box score. Suck it, Gagner.

But while Kajastus fell short of the win, all was not lost. As a sign of sportsmanship, the workers at the rink where the game was held felt bad and to try and cheer the boys up they gave them free sausages.

Maybe next time, Capitals and Islanders.

Stick-tap to Matias (@tomppaaax) for helping with the translation

Follow Sean Leahy on Twitter at @Sean_Leahy

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