Friday 17 February 2012

Milan Lucic’s church was vandalized with Canucks taunts, according to girlfriend

Last June, Vancouver native Milan Lucic helped the Boston Bruins win the Stanley Cup on the Vancouver Canucks' home ice. And what better way to even that score than by spray-painting a penis on Lucic's church back in Burnaby, right?

Uh ... right?

This image was tweeted by Brittany Carnegie, Lucic's girlfriend, on Thursday. It's a photo of the side of St. Archangel Michael Serbian Orthodox Church in Burnaby, where Lucic took the Stanley Cup last summer and where his family reportedly still attends services. There's no indication when the photo was taken, or when the graffiti was created.

According to Carnegie, the church was adorned with crudely drawn graffiti that reads "F—K Lucic" and " Go Canuks Go", along with the phallus. (You can always tell the die hard fans by their inability to spell their team's name correctly.) As she wrote (her account is privacy protected): "This is DISGUSTING! Punks did this to Milan (sic) beloved church! So disgusting!"

This isn't the first time locals have defaced property to taunt Lucic.

Posters of the Bruins star were defaced at a community center last summer. There were also fist-fights at the Greek summer festival that Lucic attended last year.

But going after his church … as Carnegie said, disgusting. Wrote Thomas Drance on Canucks Army:

Milan doesn't live in Vancouver permanently anymore, but he grew up a Canucks fans and I'm sure he still considers the city home. It's truly pathetic that some folks apparently can't get over an eight month old sporting loss. The fact that they've decided to take their frustration out on Milan Lucic, his church and his family is beyond despicable.

More here from the Vancouver Sun.

Again, let's not get out the broad brush for Canucks fans because some idiot with a spraypaint can decides to get anatomical on a church. They're not all rioters. They're not all graffiti vandals. And many of them were quite happy, even if the moment was bittersweet, to see a native son win the Stanley Cup.

s/t JustinTillyer.

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